This paper attempts to bring out the performance of the alternative fuel “BIODIESEL A DERIVATIVE FROM JATROPHA OIL”. The onset of Industrial Revolution led to the exploitation of fossil fuels, which results in environmental problems such as pollution and green house effect. Due to the constant increase in depletion of fossil fuels and its consequent effect on the environment and ecology, there is awareness around the world for the importance of saving them.
Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to have fully completed the health effects testing requirements of the Clean Air Act. The use of biodiesel in conventional diesel engine results in substantial reduction of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter compared to emissions from diesel fuel. The estimated increase of demand for diesel from the 2001-02 level of 38.815 Million tons to 52.324 Million tons is supposed to 66.095 million tons in 2006-7 which shows a massive hike of 34% to 70% respectively over 2001-02 level in physical terms which will lead to increase of crude oil import. While the country is short of petroleum reserve, it has large arable land as well as good climatic conditions(tropical) with adequate rainfall in large parts of the area to account for large crop production each year. The Indian Administration is now taking up cultivation of Jatropha Curcas in many sites of the country, especially due to its use for the fuel manufacture. So there is a bright future for this alternative fuel.
The evolution of power created a new episode in the life history of humans power has become an essential part of life. Every one now-a-days is accustoms to the usage of power electricity has become the essential in gradient for industrial, agricultural, domestic, appliances etc.
The development of cost-effective energy storage technologies, new energy carriers, and improved transmission infrastructure could substantially reduce costs and expand the contribution from a variety of energy supply options.Such technology improvements and infrastructure investments are particularly important to tap the full potential of intermittent renewable resources, especially in cases where some of the most abundant and cost-effective resource opportunities exist far from load centers. Improved storage technologies, new energy carriers, and enhanced transmission and distribution infrastructure will also facilitate the delivery of modern energy services to the world’s poor—especially in rural areas.
The use of non-renewable sources is increasing day by day. If this situation continuously happens it leads to energy crisis because of limited availability of non-renewable sources. So we have to shift ourselves to renewable sources. The use of fuel cell is a good method to use renewable energy. Owing to the advantages like portability, high and low power generation capabilities, quiet and smooth working capability leads to use fuel cells. These fuel cells are eco-friendly and renewable, making use of them will be more advantageous. So if we can concentrate on the development of fuel cells and advancements in it we can protect our environment and as well as we can save our non-renewable sources. So this finds a future scope for the development of fuel cells which can replace all the types of non-renewable sources.TO DOWNLOAD FULL PAPER CLICK BELOW LINKS:
OTEC has tremendous potential to supply the world’s energy. It is estimated that in an annual basis, the amount solar energy absorbed by the oceans is equivalent to atleast 4000 times the amount presently consumed by humans. For an OTEC efficiency of 3% ,in converting ocean thermal energy to electricity ,we would need less than 1% of this renewable energy to satisfy all of our desires for energy.
OTEC offers one of the most compassionate power production technologies ,since the handling of hazardous of substances is limited to the working fluid (e.g., ammonia), and no noxious by-products are generated. Through adequate planning and coordination with the local community, recreational assets near an OTEC site may be enhanced. OTEC is capital-intensive , and the very first plants will most probably be small requiring a substantial capital investment. Given the relatively low cost of crude oil, and of fossil fuels in general, the developments of OTEC technologies is likely to be promoted by government agencies. Conventional power plants pollute the environment more than an OTEC plant would and, as long as sun heats the oceans , the fuel for OTEC is unlimited and free.
Geothermal growth and development has increased significantly over the past 30 years approaching 15% annually in the early part of this period, and dropping to below 5% annually in the last ten years due to an economic slow down in the Far East and the low price of competing fuels. At the start of this 30-year period, only eight countries reported electrical production and/or direct utilization from geothermal energy.
By the end of this period, 62 countries reported utilizing geothermal energy and another five are known to be using this resource. This is over an eight-fold increase in participating countries. At least another 10 countries are actively exploring for geothermal resources and should be online by 2005.
It is difficult to make projections into the future, but based on trends over the past 30 years and anticipated increases in fossil fuel costs, the following two scenarios can be attempted. Scenario I assumes that the approximate 10% annual increase (typical
for 1970 - 1990) will continue, and Scenario II assume the more optimistic trend of 15%
annual increase. Geothermal energy certainly has the potential to achieve these numbers, and if the emphasis on reducing greenhouse gases and particulate emissions continues,then geothermal energy should be an important part of any future energy mix.
Can’t we use solar power at the night? This question may look somewhat absurd since there is obviously no meaning of “Using solar power at night”!Now-a-days we are using the solar power to generate electricity by the solar panels mounted on the earth. But, in outer space, the sun always shines brightly. No clouds block the solar rays, and there is no night time. Solar collectors mounted on an orbiting satellite would thus generate power 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. If this power could be relayed to earth, then the world's energy problems might be solved forever.
The paper first discusses about the history of free space power transmission and gives a brief introduction to the rectenna(RECifying anTENNA) concept. The important component of the rectenna, the schottky barrier diode is explained. Then the functional model for the Solar Power Satellite is explained. The importance of the solar energy is explained both in terms of the cost and its echo friendly nature. The paper is concluded explaining our model of a simple rectenna, which could be readily built using the components from the laboratory.
For sure, the crew of the international space station IOS gets all energy needs solely from solar energy. For sure, the astronauts do not pollute the atmosphere of their spaceship by burning fossil fuels openly. And for sure, they economize their reserves efficiently, so there is always enough energy available on board. In decades of research and development solar-based systems have been developed simple in technology, which can be manufactured with resources and manufacturing facilities available locally and, most importantly, which create jobs in the local economy. They are efficient and meet all the energy needs of a community round-the-clock: for cultivating agricultural produce, to pump water, to generate heat for cooking, to do mechanical work and to generate electricity. SOLAR POWER VILLAGE is ideally suited for INDIAN RURALS.